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Dive Splash Adventures

Cozumel: Discover Scuba Diving Plus for Beginners

Cozumel: Discover Scuba Diving Plus for Beginners

Regular price $149.00 USD
Regular price $169.00 USD Sale price $149.00 USD
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Embark on a journey that will transform your perspective of the world with our extended scuba diving adventure in Cozumel!

Begin with a comprehensive theoretical class aboard our boat, where our experienced instructor will guide you through the fundamentals of diving. From safety measures to equipment handling, you'll be fully prepared for the underwater adventure ahead.

Once equipped and ready, you'll descend into the turquoise waters of the Caribbean, putting your newfound knowledge into practice. Under the watchful eye of our instructor, you'll experience the exhilarating sensation of weightlessness as you explore a mesmerizing underwater world teeming with life and beauty.

After mastering the basics, prepare for an unforgettable exploration of the nearby reef. Dive among vibrant corals, encountering an array of marine life that calls these pristine waters home. And with not one, but two immersive dives, you'll have ample time to soak in the sights and wonders beneath the surface.

Between dives, indulge in refreshing fresh fruit, water, and sodas, replenishing your energy for the next aquatic adventure.

As the excursion draws to a close, receive a symbolic certificate commemorating your courage and determination to conquer the ocean's depths.

Don't let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away. Book now and prepare to dive into the magical world of scuba diving in Cozumel!

Meeting Point

Marina Fonatur

Departure Time

- 9:00 AM

- 2:00 PM 


- Full equipment.

- Instructor.

- 2 Tanks


- 4 HRS

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